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Psychological First Aid

During and after an emergency, stress among responders can run high and the devastation can leave a lasting impact. Learning and practicing "psychological first aid" can mitigate or shorten the effects of post-traumatic stress or shock among survivors of disastrous events. Review the resources below to learn more about what first responders or healthcare providers can do not only to better assist victims, but remain resilient themselves in the face of danger.

     Established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), the California Association of Health Facilities' Disaster Preparedness Program (CAHF-DPP) supports the integration of Long-Term Care (LTC) into disaster planning and response efforts throughout the state of California. 


     CAHF's Disaster Preparedness Program is designed to take an all hazards approach and has several aspects: education, facilitation of planning efforts, development of resources and tools, and state-level advocacy for long-term care.


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