Infectious Disease
Pandemics are a unique challenge to long-term care because it can be a drawn-out incident, taking several weeks or months to conclude. An effective response to a pandemic requires: collaborating with local healthcare coalitions and response partners, planning for increased admits or surge at your facility, and gathering crucial information on an ongoing basis to share with authorities. Awareness of your facility's capacities and your staff's capabilities will allow you to respond to a dynamic and fast-paced situation such as infectious or vector-borne diseases.
Best Practices for Improving COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Airborne Infectious Disease Management– Reasoning and Methods (CAHF Newsletter)
WHO Recommendations for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning In Healthcare Facilities
Recommendations for Negative Pressure Isolation from American Society for Healthcare Engineers (ASHE) (webpage)
World Health Organization (WHO) - HVAC and COVID-19 Recommendations (pdf)
Governor's Office - California For All Program: COVID-19 Testing Taskforce Lab List (pdf)
CDPH - Local Health Department Testing Contact Information (webpage)
CAHF-DPP - Resident Cohorting Sample Procedures (pdf) (doc)
Riverside University Health System - COVID-19 Safety Playbook (pdf)
CDPH - Enhanced Standard Precautions for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF), 2019 (pdf)
AHCA/NCAL - Sample Policy for Emergent Infectious Diseases for SNFs (pdf)
CDC - Water Management Program Toolkit | Legionella, 2017 (pdf)
CDC - Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care Facilities (pdf)
CAHF - NHICS Incident Response Guide: Infectious Disease (pdf) (doc)
CAHF - Pandemic Workbook for Long-Term Care | Revised in July 2010 (pdf)
CAHF - Model Respiratory Protection Program Policies and Administrative Tools (doc)
CAL/OSHA - Vaccination Declination Statement (pdf) (website)
CDC - Doing Business During an Influenza Pandemic - A Toolkit (pdf)
For ongoing updates on COVID-19 guidance, visit www.CAHF.org's public webpage
CA Association of Counties - COVID-19 Public Health Orders by County (pdf)
Healthcare Workplaces Classified as Very High or High Exposure Risk for Pandemic Influenza
World Health Organization (WHO) - HVAC and COVID-19 Recommendations (pdf)
Governor's Office - California For All Program: COVID-19 Testing Taskforce Lab List (pdf)
CDPH - Local Health Department Testing Contact Information (webpage)
CAHF-DPP - Resident Cohorting Sample Procedures (pdf) (doc)
Riverside University Health System - COVID-19 Safety Playbook (pdf)
CDPH - Enhanced Standard Precautions for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF), 2019 (pdf)
AHCA/NCAL - Sample Policy for Emergent Infectious Diseases for SNFs (pdf)
CDC - Water Management Program Toolkit | Legionella, 2017 (pdf)
CDC - Interim Guidance for Influenza Outbreak Management in Long-Term Care Facilities (pdf)
CAHF - NHICS Incident Response Guide: Infectious Disease (pdf) (doc)
CAHF - Pandemic Workbook for Long-Term Care | Revised in July 2010 (pdf)
CAHF - Model Respiratory Protection Program Policies and Administrative Tools (doc)
CAL/OSHA - Vaccination Declination Statement (pdf) (website)
CDC - Doing Business During an Influenza Pandemic - A Toolkit (pdf)
Infection Prevention Videos
Infection Prevention Videos

PPE for the Care of Patients Infected or Suspected with COVID-19
Just-In-Time Fit Test Video

Psychological First Aid for CNAs
COVID-19 Resources
CDPH 5000A - Temporary Permission for Program Flexibility for Increased Patient Accommodations (pdf)
AFL 20-18 - Hospital Resources Survey to Assess Surge Capacity Regarding COVID-19 (03/08/2020)
AFL 20-14 - Environmental Infection Control for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (02/19/2020)
AFL 20-13 - 2019 Novel Coronavirus Interim Guidance for Risk Assessment and Health Management of Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure (02/10/2020)
AFL 20-10 - Healthcare Facility Resources for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) (01/27/2020)
AFL 20-09 - for Health Update and Interim Guidance – 2019 Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) (01/23/2020)
C. Auris Resources
C.Auris Cleaning and Management Video (Greater New York Hospital Association) (07/25/19)
CDC Guidance about Emerging Infection: Candida Auris (04/15/19)
LA Health Alert Network (LAHAN) C. Auris Outbreak Notification (05/07/19)
Measles Resources