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Upcoming Events

CAHF Disaster Preparedness Program Statewide Events

To see past COVID Round-Up webinars (without CE credit), visit CAHF-DPP's Youtube playlist.

Weekly COVID Round-Up Webinars - Fridays from 1pm - 2pm, until September 25th

Since March, we have held weekly informational updates for long-term care providers enduring the COVID-19 pandemic. These webinars will continue until September 25th, 2020. Registration for CE credit must go through the registration pages. If you are missing CE Evaluations on your CAHF Member Dashboard, you will need to register for the on-demand webinar for that date, and complete the evaluation after the video has been completed. To register through the CAHF site, click here. To register for the past webinars for free CEs, click here.

The following trainings are county-specific; please do not register for an event outside your county or your registration will be cancelled. Some of the registrations for these events are facilitated by the county Public Health Department personnel, NOT the CAHF-DPP team; some events do not offer CE credit from CAHF. Thank you for your understanding.

Bi-Monthly Webinar

Los Angeles County Grant Activities:

September 9th, 2pm - 3pm: "LA County Emergency Preparedness Updates  Webinar Series (CAHF)

Join us every other month to recap the current events from LA County's Disaster Resource Centers, prepare for upcoming County exercises, and review best practices for emergency preparedness. Register at our NEW link for 2020 here

Sacramento County Grant Activities:

Sacramento Area SNF Mutual Aid Program (SASMAP) Quarterly Drills

Our grant program provides training and support to Sacramento County EMSA for the SASMAP drills on the county's online platform, EMResource. The dates for 2020 drills are listed below. One week after each drill, we host a debrief conference call for gathering feedback from LTC providers, and answer any questions. 

2020 Drill Dates:

September 9, 2020 - 11am - 12pm

November 11, 2020 - 11am - 12pm

More events will be added very soon! Contact your county healthcare coalition coordinator, and ask if there are any training opportunities for LTC providers coming up. If you do not know who to contact at your County, check out our County contacts page

     Established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), the California Association of Health Facilities' Disaster Preparedness Program (CAHF-DPP) supports the integration of Long-Term Care (LTC) into disaster planning and response efforts throughout the state of California. 


     CAHF's Disaster Preparedness Program is designed to take an all hazards approach and has several aspects: education, facilitation of planning efforts, development of resources and tools, and state-level advocacy for long-term care.


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