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What is the Disaster Preparedness App?

How It Works

This app ( has been designed by the California Association of Health Facilities - Disaster Preparedness Program (CAHF-DPP) for California's long-term care providers. It is designed so that long-term care providers may have emergency information at their fingertips (via smart phone, tablet or computer) no matter where they are. 

Instructions on how to download the App: iPhone | Android

The app is populated with general emergency information that is applicable to all types of long-term care facilities and it also allows providers to upload facility specific information (contact lists, floor plans. policies and procedures) which they may need in an emergency.


The general emergency information on this app is accessible by event (earthquake, flood, fire, etc.) or by action being taken (prepare, respond or recover). The facility specific information is accessible only to the facility through a secure platform that is password protected (selected by the facility). 

Because this app is designated for use by long-term care facilities you will need a sign-up code to create the provider/facility side of the app. To acquire the sign-up code please e-mail CAHF-DPP at We will email you back a sign-up code.

Please go to the app and look at the available information: and know that you can store your important emergency information on this app for use when you need it. If you have any questions, please contact Jason Belden at or

DP App Orientation Webinar

     Established in September 2006, with the help of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and with funding through the Federal Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), the California Association of Health Facilities' Disaster Preparedness Program (CAHF-DPP) supports the integration of Long-Term Care (LTC) into disaster planning and response efforts throughout the state of California. 


     CAHF's Disaster Preparedness Program is designed to take an all hazards approach and has several aspects: education, facilitation of planning efforts, development of resources and tools, and state-level advocacy for long-term care.


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