Really Ready! Disaster Preparedness Conference
February 13, 2025
Register for the conference here.
Please see our Conference Agenda.
Don't miss this chance to set yourself up for success! Earn up to 14 Continuing Education credits. Attendees can meet one of their required emergency exercise requirements with tabletop exercises presented on both days.
Are you interested in being a part of our next conference as a vendor, sponsor, or speaker? Would you like to nominate someone for our "Outstanding Emergency Response" Award? Contact us for more information on pricing and nominations.

After the Conference...
If you participated in the tabletop exercise on either day of the Really Ready! Conference, and need help capturing this activity in an After Action Report for your facility's Emergency Preparedness Program, check out the resources below.
The CAHF Disaster Preparedness Program completed an After Action Report for State-level analysis of the long-term care community's participation and outcomes from the Really Ready! Conference's Utility Failure tabletop exercise.
This report is strictly formatted to the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) requirements, and goes above the formatting requirements found in the 2016 CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule.
For more information on what the CMS EP Rule requires for your own facility's exercise program, check out our video here.
Next Steps for Attendees
Are you new to emergency management, and don't know where to start for your own facility's Emergency Preparedness Program? Check out these shortcuts around our website to find the most crucial bits:
1. Make sure you have your County's contact information for the Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC). Check our our page, "Contact Your County."
2. If you are an LA County provider, your structure is different and your County contact info will not be found on that page. You will want to go to our page, "Los Angeles County Resources."
3. Once you are in contact with your County, make sure you send them your HVA! You can download the template from our page, "Hazard Vulnerability Assessments."
4. Now that you know what your top hazards are from your HVA, you can begin planning your facility's annual emergency exercises. Check out more planning tools on our page, "Exercises & Drills" and see training videos on our other page, "Videos."
5. Get involved with our projects! The Disaster Preparedness Program facilitates mutual aid programs and advisory councils for providers to enhance their emergency preparedness programs and exercises. For more information, contact us.